About Us
Thank you for visiting BCCA! Our website is dedicated to providing you, the reader, accurate, comprehensive, and reliable technology information.
BCCA is managed by Chris Gustafson who has an extensive IT career in Fortune 500, niche SD-WAN, and telecommunications organizations with a deep background spanning delivery and operations across infrastructure, network, security, application, and cloud. With both hands-on and executive leadership experience, Chris stays abreast of emerging technology and solutions and will be the first to admit that his passion bubbles over into his personal life building the most ‘technology-advanced’ home in the neighborhood! If there’s a new emerging gadget out there, he likely owns it!
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Meet The Author
Chris Gustafson
Chris loves technology, specifically smart home technology! With both hands-on and executive leadership experience in his corporate career, Chris stays abreast of emerging technology and solutions and immerses himself in BCCA when not in the office.